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Research Centers 

McRel--Research Center provides links to resources and publications. Audience: K-12 teachers.

NASA Classroom Of The Future--take a virtual tour of the Erma Ora Byrd Center, and see the latest developments in educational technologies; explore the numerous links to resources. Audience: K-12 teachers.

NASA Education Program--features links to online resources and information about NASA's Programs and Curriculum Support Products. Audience: K-12 teachers.

NASA Regional Educator Resource Center (NASA RERC)--resource links to support the efforts of K-12 educators in infusing their classrooms with cutting-edge materials related to the U.S. space program.

Pathways to School Improvement--developed by the North Central Regional Educational Laboratory in cooperation with the Regional Educational Laboratory network.

Research for better schools--long-term institutional research and development in Education.

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    Copyright 1997 Deborah Lynn MacDonald Stirling
    revised July 14, 2000